1982年 获得西安交通大学数学系学士学位
1983年 获得美国斯坦福大学工程经济系统学硕士学位
1987年 获得美国斯坦福大学工程经济系统学博士学位
曾任Management Science, Operations Research and Queuing Systems Theory and Application等学术期刊的副主编
曾担任应用概率学会(INFORMS Society on Applied Probability)主席
获INFORMS颁发的George Nicholson Prize
曾在国际顶级运营管理学术期刊上发表了大量研究论文(这些期刊包括Operations Research, Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Mathematics of Operations Management等)
[1] 陈宏, 童春阳, 白立新 (2009), 联想的双模式之道, 《商业评论》
[2] 陈宏,秦亮娟,石新弘 (2009),迈向敏感型供应链,《商业评论》
[3] H. Chen, J.M. Harrison, A. Mandelbaum, A.V. Ackere and L.M. Wein, ``Empirical evaluation of a queueing network model for semiconductor wafer fabrication", Operations Research, 36, 2, 202- 215 (1988).
[4] H. Chen, Optimal intensity control of a multi-class queue", Queueing Systems - Theory and Applications, 5, 281-294 (1989).
[5] J.M. Harrison, R.J. Williams and H. Chen, Brownian models of closed queueing networks with homogeneous customer populations", Stochastics and Stochastics Reports, 29, 37-74 (1990).
[6] H. Chen and D.D. Yao, ``Optimal intensity control of a queueing system with state-dependent capacity limit", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 35, 4, 459-464 (1990).
[7] H. Chen and D.D. Yao, ``Derivatives of the expected delay in the GI/G/1 queue", Journal of Applied Probability, 28, 899-907 (1990).
[8] H. Chen and A. Mandelbaum, ``Discrete flow Networks: bottleneck analysis and fluid approximations", Mathematics of Operations Research, 16, 2, 408-446 (1991).
[9] H. Chen and A. Mandelbaum, ``Stochastic discrete flow networks: diffusion approximations and bottlenecks'', Annals of Probability, 19, 4, 1463-1519 (1991).
[10] H. Chen and D.D. Yao, ``A fluid model for systems with random disruptions", Operations Research, 40, S2, S239-247 (1992).
[11] H. Chen, P. Yang, D.D. Yao and X. Chao, ``Optimal control of a simple assembly system'',Operations Research Letters, 14, 199-205 (1993).
[12] S.H. Xu and H. Chen, ``On the asymptote of the optimal routing policy for two service stations'', IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 38, 187-189 (1993).
[13] H. Chen and D.D. Yao, ``Dynamic scheduling of a multi-class fluid network", Operations Research, 41, 1104-1115 (1993).
[14] H. Chen and W. Whitt, ``Diffusion approximations for open queueing networks with service interruptions", Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 13, 335-359 (1993).
[15] H. Chen and J.G. Shanthikumar, ``Fluid limits and diffusion approximations for networks of multi-server queues in heavy traffic'', Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 4, 269-291(1994).
[16] H. Chen, P. Yang and D.D. Yao, ``Control and scheduling in a two-station queueing network: optimal policies and heuristics'', Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 18, 301-332(1994).
[17] H. Chen, ``Fluid approximations and stability of multiclass queueing networks: work-conserving disciplines'', Annals of Applied Probability, 5, 636-665 (1995).
[18] D. Atkins and H. Chen, ``Performance evaluation of scheduling control of queueing networks: fluid model heuristics'', Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 21, 391-413 (1995).
[19] H. Chen, ``Rate of convergence of the fluid approximation for generalized Jackson networks'',Journal of Applied Probability, 33, 3, 804-814 (1996).
[20] H. Chen, ``A sufficient condition for the positive recurrence of a semimartingale reflecting Brownian motion in an orthant'', Annals of Applied Probability, 6, 3, 758-765 (1996).
[21] H. Chen and H. Zhang, ``Diffusion approximations for multiclass re-entrant lines under a firstbuffer-first-served discipline'', Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 23, 177-195 (1996).
[22] T. Chi, J.J. Liu and H. Chen, ``Optimal stopping rule for a project with uncertain completion time and salvageability'', IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 44, 1, 54-66 (1997).
[23] H. Chen and H. Zhang, ``Stability of multiclass queueing networks under FIFO discipline'',Mathematics of Operations Research, 22, 3, 691-725 (1997).
[24] H. Chen, O. Kella and G. Weiss, ``Fluid approximations for a processor-sharing queue'',Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 27, 99-125(1997).
[25] H. Chen and H. Zhang, ``Diffusion approximations for Kumar-Seidman network under a priority service discipline'', Operations Research Letters, 23, 171-181 (1998).
[26] H. Chen, ``Basic Adjoint Relation for Transient and Stationary Analysis of Some Markov Processes'', Annals of Operations Research, 87, 273-303(1999).
[27] J.J. Liu and H. Chen, ``Optimal pacing in an assembly-based multistage production system'',Annals of Operations Research, 87, 87-101 (1999).
[28] H. Chen and H. Zhang, ``Stability of multiclass queueing networks under priority service disciplines'', Operations Research, 48, 1, 26-37 (2000).
[29] H. Chen and H. Zhang, “A necessary condition and a sufficient condition for the diffusion approximations of multiclass queueing networks under priority service disciplines”, Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 34, 237-268 (2000).
[30] H. Chen and X. Shen, “Strong approximation for multiclass feedforward queueing networks”, Annals of Applied Probability, 10, 3, 822-876 (2000).
[31] H. Chen and H. Zhang, ``Diffusion approximations for some multiclass queueing networks under FIFO service disciplines'', Mathematics of Operations Research, 25, 679-707 (2000).
[32] H. Chen and M. Frank, “State dependent pricing with a queue”, IIE Transactions, 33, 10, 847-860 (2001).
[33] H. Ye and H. Chen, “Lyapunov function as a necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of fluid networks”, Operations Research Letters, 28, 3, 125-136 (2001).
[34] H. Chen and H. Ye, “Existence condition for the diffusion approximations of multiclass priority queueing networks”, Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 38, 435-470 (2002).
[35] H. Chen, X. Shen and D.D. Yao, “Brownian approximations of multiclass open queueing networks”, Operations Research, 50, 6 (2002).
[36] H. Chen and H. Ye, “Piecewise linear Lyapunov function for the stability of multiclass queueing networks”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47, 4 (2002).
[37] X. Shen, H. Chen, J.G. Dai and W. Dai, “The finite element method for computing the stationary distribution of an SRBM in a hypercube with applications to finite buffer queueing networks”, Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 42, 1, 33-62 (2002).
[38] H. Chen and Y.-W. Wan, “Price competition of make-to-order firms”, IIE Transactions, 35, 9(2003).
[39] H. Chen and X. Shen, “The finite element method for computing the stationary distribution of an SRBM in an orthant with applications to open queueing networks”, Queueing Systems, Theoryand Applications, 45, 1, 27-45 (2003).
[40] H. Chen and M. Frank, ``Monopoly pricing when customer queues'', IIE Transactions, 36, 569-581 (2004).
[41] H. Chen and Y.-W. Wan, “Capacity competition of make-to-order Firms”, Operations Research Letters, 22, 3, 187-194 (2005).
[42] H. Chen, M. Frank and O. Wu, “What actually happened to the Inventories of American Companies between 1981-2000?”, Management Science, 51, 7, 1015-1031 (2005).
[43] H. Chen, O. Wu and M. Frank, “U.S. retail and wholesale inventory performance from 1981 to 2003“, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 9, 4, 430-456 (2007).
[44] X. Chao, H. Chen, and S. Zheng, “Joint replenishment and pricing decisions in inventory systems with stochastically dependent supply capacity”, European Journal of Operations Research, 191, 140-153 (2008).
[45] X. Chao, H. Chen and S. Zheng, “Dynamic capacity expansion for a service firm with capacity deterioration and supply uncertainty”, Operations Research, 57, 82-93 (2009).
[46] H. Chen, O. Wu and D.D. Yao, “On the benefit of inventory-based dynamic pricing strategies”, Production and Operations Management (accepted).
[47] Wu, O., Chen, H. (2010). “Optimal control and equilibrium behavior of production-inventory systems”, Management Science (accepted_.CASE STUDIES)
[48] J.-D. Brochu, H. Chen and N. Kumar, “An e-business case study”, sponsored by and prepared for Industry Canada (2001).
[49] H. Chen and S. Wang, “Sanlian Home Appliances (A)” and “Sanlian Home Appliances (B)” (in both Chinese and English), Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (2004). [Teaching caseon central warehouse for supply chain management at one of the largest home appliances retailer chains.]
[50] H. Chen and S. Wang, “TCL” (in both Chinese and English), Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (2004). [Teaching case on supply chain management at one of the largest and most well-known home electronic producers in China.]
[51] H. Chen and S. Wang, “Hainan Airlines” (in Chinese), Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (2004). [Teaching case on quality management.]
[52] H. Chen and S. Wang, “Sanlian Home Appliance in 2005” (in both Chinese and English), Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (2005). [Teaching case on operations strategy and supply chain management.]
[53] H. Chen and S. Wang, “Midea REC, A” and “Midea REC, B” (in both Chinese and English), Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (2005). [Teaching case on supply chain management at one of the largest producers of air conditioners.]
[54] H. Chen and L. Qin, “Showdown with Dell on channels” (in both Chinese and English), Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (2005). [Teaching case on the competition between Lenovo and Dell in China through different operations and supply chain strategy.]
[55] H. Chen and S. Wang, “Tsingdao Beer” (in both Chinese and English), Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (2005). [Teaching case on outsourcing third party logistics and forming joint venture.]
[56] H. Chen and L. Qin, “Digital China’s risk management system” (in both Chinese and English), Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (2005)[Teaching case on the risk management atan IT product distributor.]
[57] H. Chen and L. Qin, “Lenovo: Show Down with Dell” (in both Chinese and English), Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (2005). [Teaching case on Lenovo, the largest PC producer in China.]
[58] H. Chen and S. Wang, “Supplier management at Li Ning” (in Chinese), 2006. [Teaching case on the supplier management.]
[59] H. Chen and L. Qin, “Li Ning: demand driven supply chain” (in both Chinese and English), 2006.[Teaching case on supply chain strategy and supplier management.]
[60] H. Chen and L. Qin, “YH Global Logistics” (in both Chinese and English), 2007. [Teaching case on the growth and operations of a third-party logistics company.]
[61] H. Chen and L. Qin, “Intel (China): Innovation Club” (in both Chinese and English), 2007.[Teaching case on how Intel (China) provides support to medium size computer manufacturers in the wake of the competition from AMD.]
[1] H. Chen and D.D. Yao, Fundamentals of Queuing Networks: Performance, Asymptotics and Optimization, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001.